Business Transaction Firm with Recurring Revenue
The key to our marketing success is combining traditional efforts with online marketing.” Providing good content to their network is a big part of that marketing effort.
The key to our marketing success is combining traditional efforts with online marketing.” Providing good content to their network is a big part of that marketing effort.
Free seminars provide the backbone of this firm’s multi-pronged marketing effort.
How to take advantage of new Facebook’s options: content promotion, sponsored posts, newsfeed ads, retargeting, building your email list, and more.
Step-by-step instructions and practical tips for using the latest marketing approaches available on what many lawyers consider the most productive social network.
This well-known attorney’s videos have generated $7 million in settlements and received 695,000 views.
How one patent lawyer and one injury firm use Twitter differently to pursue different outcomes. How they got started, and their results. [Yes, it is working for them.]
Organic, networking, newsletters, and speaking bring in a steady flow of new clients to this Chicago-area Social Security disability firm.
This general practice firm found at startup two cost-effective ways to bring in a steady flow of new business.
40-50% of this Philadelphia and Cherry Hill lawyer’s business comes from online sources. Avvo, PPC, and his blog account for half of that online business.
Many lawyers are finding LinkedIn a solid source of new clients. But merely posting your profile and sitting back won’t be sufficient. Here is what you need to do and how to do it.
Covers everything from setting up a fan page, through designing your cover and the look and feel of your page, to adding fans and creating dynamic content.
A scheduling platform like this one works like a response form, but with added benefits.
What a few years of blogging have done for a local real estate lawyer and a federal patent attorney.
Here are proven techniques for turning more of your online marketing audience into clients – adding more people to your list, creating a positive and human image online, writing persuasive copy, and testing new approaches.